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Withdrawal & Refund Policy


Each bSUMMIT is a large event and requires funds to cover expenses such as facility hire, catering, program delivery, and transport, among other budgetary items.

Refunds are not provided unless a registered Scout has withdrawn from bSUMMIT, or the Course is cancelled. Refunds are not provided automatically, but instead require us to calculate the amount of a refund (if any) and must meet the terms outlined below.

Any overpayment of registration fees will be refunded.

Withdrawal & Refund Process

Scouts who are registered to attend a Course should advise the bSUMMIT team in writing as soon as possible if their situation changes and they are no longer able to attend the Course.

Depending on the date we are informed of a Scout’s withdrawal and how near it is to the scheduled Course, a refund may be available.

The amount of the registration fee that we will be able to refund varies from Course to Course and depends on the amount of money our team has already spent in preparation for the Course. Late notice of a Scout’s withdrawal will mean that our team has used more funds and, therefore, we may not be able to provide a full refund.

All registrations that are withdrawn up until five weeks before Launch Night will be refunded in full.

If a registration is to be refunded, it may be some weeks after the Course before we have the opportunity to review our expenses, determine the amount of any refund, and then issue said refund.


It is highly unlikely, but a major unforeseen event could cause bSUMMIT to be cancelled. Refunds would be as above, except that in the event of a late cancellation, after settling any costs, we would return all remaining funds to the families of registered Scouts.


We will make every effort to postpone or reschedule a bSUMMIT Course if it cannot go ahead. In these circumstances, we will advise promptly of new dates and ask that Scouts who cannot attend the new dates due to prior commitments inform us as soon as possible. A refund may or may not be available, depending on our expenditure.


COVID-19 may compel Boroondara District to cancel a bSUMMIT Course, whether because of new government restrictions or isolation protocols for COVID contacts. As above, we will endeavour to reschedule in this case.

Payment of Refunds

If a Scout’s bSUMMIT registration has been paid by credit card, the refund will be issued to the card used to pay. It may take up to ten business days from the date the refund is issued for it to be received.

In all other cases, we will request the provision of bank account details for the refund to be paid into.

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